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PhonePhreak Software
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PocketSensor Automatic Keylock

PocketSensor uses your phone's built-in proximity sensor to automatically lock the phone when it is put in a pocket. No need to bother with the lock slider/ power button any more!

PocketSensor uses the proximity sensor to detect if the phone is inside a pocket. (This sensor is located above your phone's display next to the earpiece.) PocketSensor replaces the function of the lock slider/power button with an automatic keylock function: The phone automatically locks when the proximity sensor is being covered, and automatically unlocks when the sensor is uncovered again. When you make or receive a call, the automatic keylock deactivates.

System Requirements: Android (2.1 and up)

PocketSensor on Google Play

System Requirements: Symbian S60/Nokia (5th Edition and up)

PocketSensor on Nokia Store

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